Senin, 10 September 2007

Multi·Project·Planner 2.1

The problem

Multiple concurrent projects competing for shared resources.

The solution

The project activities are booked on a schedule, common to all work teams, participating in the projects.
I.e. the Gantt charts of the projects are superimposed upon the common schedule, where each row represents a work team.

Main benefits

  • A far superior overview, as both resource allocation and the interrelationships between the activities of all projects are handled in one and the same view.

  • Unsurpassed control of the planning process.

Highligts from the feature list

  • Hot potatoes are unresolved resource conflicts, kept by the program until you are ready to deal with them.

  • Manipulation is performed with the look and feel of a planning board.

  • Predefined projects (templates) can be dragged onto the schedule, and the program will try to make a best fit.
    Otherwise it will create hot potatoes.

  • Just in Time means scheduling the project as close to the delivery date as posible, thereby minimizing your inventory and maximizing your instant maneuverability.

  • Brute force handling of resource conflicts, but only if you command it.

  • Future resource conflicts that are not solved now, are turned into hot potatoes, for later treatement.

  • Decision points attached to project activities, and launching a warning when the decisions are due.

  • Timescaled PERT charts, including plasticity on the constrains, which will be respected when dragging projects and templates.

  • Progress can be calculated automaticaly from employee reports or manualy stated.

  • Extendability, i.e. enhancing features by adding modules.

  • Interoperability, i.e. integration with other software.

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